Neighborhood Statistics
Creekwood has 539 homes. There are a variety of home styles, however, the majority are variations of two Story Colonial homes. There is a mix of 3, 4, and 5 bedroom homes throughout the neighborhood. Over the past 6 years, the average square footage of the 160+ homes sold is 2,200 square feet. Home sales’ prices have ranged from the $210’s to the $420’s ($365,000 average).
Creekwood has become a “middle aged” neighborhood. The first homes were built in the fall of 1976 with the majority of the homes built from the late 70’s to the mid 80’s. Many residents have upgraded their homes in terms of size and amenities to remain in the neighborhood as their preferred place to live.
Creekwood enjoys a range of “family age” homeowners from grandparents to young families with preschoolers. Several families are 2nd time buyers in Creekwood which is a positive sign they enjoy the community and find value by staying. Also, many of the “children” who grew up in Creekwood have returned as “homeowners.”
Creekwood is a Planned Unit Development (PUD) with a mandatory Home Owners Association (HOA).